Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reasons for European Economic Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Reasons for European Economic Crisis - Essay Example The essay "Reasons for European Economic Crisis" overviews the reasons for European Economic crisis such as imbalances in international trade, inappropriate and inflexible monetary policy, increasing levels of households, banks, and governments debts, confidence loss in the economic system. The European economic crisis started in 2007 and was preceded by a considerably long duration of low-risk premiums, the growth of real estate bubbles, abundant liquidity, and fast credit growth. The economic misfortunes sequence that began in 2002 created a fiscal dilemma in Europe that included spiraling debt by the governments and banks of a number of European states. Some economists and policy analysts believe that the uncontrolled or unregulated debt resulted to the fiscal quandary that went beyond normal proportions. About 20 European states were in debt as of 2012 and this compounded the problem of European economic crisis because they have closely connected economies and shares a monetary currency. What has been of greater concerns to many analysts is how Europe got into the crisis in the first place. It is believed that focus on social welfare and irresponsibility by some European states evidenced by heavy borrowing and not paying heed to the balance of payment are main facto rs that led to the crisis. This paper will explain in details the reasons for European Economic crisis. Musialkowska and Wroblewski point out that no doubt the European economic crisis was as a result of a combination of various complex factors.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Video Case Meredith Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Video Meredith - Case Study Example Another key variable is interest, as this helps define what kind of products they are interested in, as many of the magazines, special interest publications and advertisements are targeted around specific interests. Finally, recent marketing efforts have focused on life events, what factors are changing in the life of the consumer, such as whether they are having a baby or are close to retirement in order to segment the market. Meredith uses survey techniques to get in touch with customers, asking them a wide range of questions including what they do and do not like in the magazines, editorial interests, and where they are in their life. This allows them to build a comprehensive picture of the needs and desires of consumers, their interests and their passion and what they desire in a magazine. The marketing department feels that with the wide range of products now available it is important to have substantial knowledge of the target market. Meredithââ¬â¢s database is large, having 85 million entries, and allows them to reach eight out of ten home owner. As a consequence of this wealth of information, Meredith uses targeted marketing, in particular direct mail to advertise to customers. They use this to send out direct mail offers to consumers on the database that are targeted around this information. Their marketing techniques are very direct, and they prefer to send out a limited number of targeted dir ect advertisements and offers than a large number of broad ones. The direct mail they send is more than simply advertisements, instead the mail contains offers on a large number of products and publications that the consumer is likely to be interested in based on the database information. As a consequence, there is a much higher chance of the consumer responding to the advertising than to non-targeted or mass advertising. Because of their wide database and ability to data mine and analyze the information that is contained within it, Meredith has been
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Unitary matrix
Unitary matrix INTRODUCTION Unitary matrix In mathematics, a unitary matrix is an n by n complex matrix U satisfying the condition where , is the identity matrix in n dimensions and , is the conjugate transpose (also called the Hermitian adjoint) of U. Note this condition says that a matrix U is unitary if and only if it has an inverse which is equal to its conjugate transpose A unitary matrix in which all entries are real is an orthogonal matrix. Just as an orthogonal matrix G preserves the (real) inner product of two real vectors, so also a unitary matrix U satisfies for all complex vectors x and y, where stands now for the standard inner product on If is an n by n matrix then the following are all equivalent conditions: is unitary is unitary the columns of form an orthonormal basis of with respect to this inner product the rows of form an orthonormal basis of with respect to this inner product is an isometry with respect to the norm from this inner product U is a normal matrix with eigenvalues lying on the unit circle. A square matrix is a unitary matrix if where denotes the conjugate transpose and is the matrix inverse. For example, is a unitary matrix. Unitary matrices leave the length of a complex vector unchanged. For real matrices, unitary is the same as orthogonal. In fact, there are some similarities between orthogonal matrices and unitary matrices. The rows of a unitary matrix are a unitary basis. That is, each row has length one, and their Hermitian inner product is zero. Similarly, the columns are also a unitary basis. In fact, given any unitary basis, the matrix whose rows are that basis is a unitary matrix. It is automatically the case that the columns are another unitary basis. The definition of a unitary matrix guarantees that where is the identity matrix. In particular, a unitary matrix is always invertible, and . Note that transpose is a much simpler computation than inverse. A similarity transformation of a Hermitian matrix with a unitary matrix gives Unitary matrices are normal matrices. If is a unitary matrix, then the permanen The unitary matrices are precisely those matrices which preserve the Hermitian inner product Also, the norm of the determinant of is . Unlike the orthogonal matrices, the unitary matrices are connected. If then is a special unitary matrix. The product of two unitary matrices is another unitary matrix. The inverse of a unitary matrix is another unitary matrix, and identity matrices are unitary. Hence the set of unitary matrices form a group, called the unitary group. Properties Of unitary matrix All unitary matrices are normal, and the spectral theorem therefore applies to them. Thus every unitary matrix U has a decomposition of the form Where V is unitary, and à £ is diagonal and unitary. That is, a unitary matrix is diagonalizable by a unitary matrix. For any unitary matrix U, the following hold: U is invertible. | det (U) | = 1. is unitary. U preserves length U has complex eigenvalues of modulus 1. It follows from the isometry property that all eigenvalues of a unitary matrix are complex numbers of absolute value 1 (i.e., they lie on the unit circle centered at 0 in the complex plane). For any n, the set of all n by n unitary matrices with matrix multiplication forms a group. Any matrix is the average of two unitary matrices. As a consequence, every matrix M is a linear combination of two unitary matrices (depending on M, of course). Unitary group In mathematics, the unitary group of degree n, denoted U(n), is the group of nÃâ"n unitary matrices, with the group operation that of matrix multiplication. The unitary group is a subgroup of the general linear group GL (n, C). In the simple case n = 1, the group U(1) corresponds to the circle group, consisting of all complex numbers with absolute value 1 under multiplication. All the unitary groups contain copies of this group. The unitary group U(n) is a real Lie group of dimension n2. The Lie algebra of U(n) consists of complex nÃâ"n skew-Hermitian matrices, with the Lie bracket given by the commutator. The general unitary group (also called the group of unitary similitude) consists of all matrices A such that A * A is a nonzero multiple of the identity matrix, and is just the product of the unitary group with the group of all positive multiples of the identity matrix.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Existentialist View Of Human Condition :: essays research papers
Existentialist View of Human Condition Two of the main principles of Existentialist Human Condition are: That man exists and then creates himself and what man chooses for himself he chooses for everyone else as well. Lets examine the first principle: man exists and then defines himself. What it means is that man is created on this earth and is nothing but a body, blood and guts. What he chooses to do and to be is what makes him a man. If a man comes into this world and chooses to steal, cheat, kill and lie then that is what that man has made himself to be. While society may see him as a "evil" person, that is what is right for him. Now on the other hand if a person chooses to be generous, kind, honest and loving, society may see him as a "good" person while it is still right for him. According to the Existentialists, a person is placed on this earth with no predisposed "good" or "evil" values, one man is not created with any more good or evil than the next. By the decisions we make in life we create ourselves. Next the second view, what man chooses for himself he chooses for everyone else. This is a view I really believe in. Everything we do in life effects someone else, whether we no it or not. Every time we drive our car. Every time we eat something, spend money, go for a jog someone else is effected. For an example: a man goes to the store and buys a stereo. First of all the clerk the clerk is effected because they have to check you out, so you have taken some of their time. The store is effected because they are minus one radio from their store. The manufacturer now has to make one more to replace the one that was bought from the store. The manufacturing employees are effected because put the radio together, and so on. On the other hand a man who chooses to steal that same stereo will effect even more people.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Impact Listening Skills to Self-Disclosure In A Marital and Romantic Relationship
Relationships are strengthened by good communication. There are many aspects of communication that ultimately affect the quality of oneââ¬â¢s relationships. It is of interest that we discover the impact of a certain communication skill on relationships. This essay also deals with the effect of listening skills on the quality of marital and mature man-woman relationships. Having all other factors constant this essay deals only with the effect of listening skills on the relationship quality of the individuals in a marital and romantic relationship.The settings for each relationship is unique therefore the degree of communication skill needed for the relationship varies. Before going into the details, we must first define the factors involved in the relationships mentioned. These factors are: the listening skills of the individuals involved in a marital and romantic relationship. As Pickering (1981) notes, listening skills are of the most important communication skills needed, to hav e a good relationship. Next is the relationship quality which is defined as the value or worth of the relationship (Mie, 2005).Lastly, relationship, a term that widens in scope as people wander to different aspects of interpersonal relationships, is taken into consideration (Zuroff & Neil, 1999). The researcher chose to focus on two similar relationship settings, which are the marital and mature man-woman romantic relationship. Hence, this essay focuses on the evidences that prove the positive impact of good listening skills on the practice of self-disclosure of the individuals in a marital and romantic relationship. Impact 3 Listening Skills Studies show that the impact of communication, specifically listening skills in relationships is immense.One must chose the right communication tool to improve ones relationships. Studies show that people who influence us are those who are active listeners (Pickering 1981). A study was done comparing the difference between couples who undergo c ommunication program and those who didnââ¬â¢t. Results showed that those who undergo the communication program to enhance their communication skills have a higher tendency of success in their relationships in the long run compared to those who did not undergo the program (Yalcin & Karahan, 2007).One of the most important aspects of communication is the listening skills. According to White (2006), good communicators are emphatic listeners who apply effective listening in relationships. Individuals in the relationships should be good communicators. There is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing only deals with the physical processes as one hears sounds from the environment, while listening engages the individual to empathize with the speaker in terms of the emotions and opinions behind the words spoken.Shepherd (2007) notes that most of the marriage failures happen because of the lack of communication. We can attribute the lack of communication also with the lack of l istening skills in the relationship. Programs to improve communication between individuals in relationships, especially marital relationships, exist to help couples improve their relationship by increasing their communication skills. These programs prove to be helpful in terms of the self-disclosure that happens between individuals in relationships thus the relationship develops (Riesch, et al, 2003). Impact 4Relationship Quality Quality in this context means the satisfaction or value of the relationship which is translated as the openness of the persons involved in the relationship. The increase of value the individuals give to others the relationship improve the quality of their relationship. Studies confirm that relationships increase in value as the individuals in it improve their communication skills (Yalcin & Karahan, 2007). Self-disclosure is in effect one of the aspects that determine relationship quality, in this context- in the marital and romantic relationship.Dion (1998) , conducted a study showing that people who are secure in their relationships, practicing higher self-disclosure with other individuals, have higher relationship satisfaction as compared to those who are insecure or those who lack close communication, self-disclosure with their partners. This study tells us that self-disclosure does not only improve the relationship of the individuals per se, but also improves ones self-image. This can be seen when self-disclosure is practiced and individuals in the relationship affirms the other, thus improving ones self-image and improved communication in the relationship.Mie (2005) further asserted that self-disclosure is also defined as willingness of persons to confide or be open to other individuals. It can then be acknowledged that good self-disclosure in a relationship increases its value, and improves ones self-image in the relationship. And in relations this, listening skills are clearly needed to have good self-disclosure. As self-disclos ure deals with the openness of individuals in a relationship, listening skills are needed to have effective self-disclosure between individuals.Self-disclosure is thus, one of the most important factors affecting the quality of close relationships (Levinger & Rands, 1985). Impact 5 Relationships There are many aspects that may affect relationships. The relationships taken into consideration in this essay are the marital and romantic relationship. Studies show that relationship between parents or couples is one of the most important factors that improve the relationship of the family as a whole, thus the first influence that affects the family relationship is the parents (Riesch, et al, 2003).The relationship between the husband and wife will greatly determine the relationship established in the family. It is crucial for the parents to have a solid, healthy relationship, with the assumption that they have children in the family. Parrott (1995) stated that couples who listen intently at each others opinions and ideas will strengthen the relationship. The more couples practice listening, self-disclosure is easier therefore the relationship will grow (Jorgensen & Gaudy1980).In Parrottââ¬â¢s book, a couple cited tips on how to develop relationship with one another- this was to actively listen to each other. As mentioned above hearing and listening are different concepts. Listening must be practiced in relationships for it to develop. In the romantic relationship between a male and a female, the factors that affect their relationship are somehow similar to that of a marital relationship. The difference may be with the external factors of the relationship.Marital relationships involve external influences: such as conjugal responsibilities of their direct family, financial factors, and others. Zuroff & Duncan (1999) conducted a study about the effect of self-disclosure in college students in romantic relationships, and found out that they are largely influenced by their peers, and unpredictable emotions cause them to easily change their minds about relationships. Thus in this type of relationship, there is a greater need to apply listening skills, to improve the quality of their relationships. Impact 6The same principles of listening skills can be applied for both marital and adult man-woman romantic relationship, to directly improve their self-disclosure and their relationship as a whole. There are many benefits for a healthy relationship between couples and romantic relationships alike. A study even shows how good relationship affects the physiological well-being of the persons in the relationship (Yalcin & Karahan, 2007). Conclusion We have already established the importance of communication skills and its direct effect on relationship quality in marital and romantic relationships as have been mentioned in this essay.Evidences were given to prove the importance of these factors in relation to the marital and adult man-woman romantic relati onships. Based on the studies shown, communication skills, specifically listening skills, have a direct relationship with the quality of the marital and romantic relationship, where as the listening skills improve, so does the practice of self-disclosure in the said relationships. We can also conclude that increased self-disclosure in a relationship improves its value, therefore the relationship develops.Self-disclosure also has positive effects on the individual practicing it, where self-image can be improved compared to those who donââ¬â¢t practice it. Thus, self-disclosure affects not only the relationship at large, but also the individuals practicing it in the relationship. Lastly, relationships in the marital and romantic settings are different in external influences but similar in the need for effective listening skills that causes good self-disclosure in the relationship.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Moliere the Misanthrope
The Misanthrope Moliereââ¬â¢s play The Misanthrope is a comedy that represents social satire, satirizing the conventions of the society which Moliere lived in and observed. Perhaps the character of Alceste best demonstrates the elements of comedy and tragedy that co-exist in Moliereââ¬â¢s play. Alceste, after all, realizes his jealous nature makes him a comic figure. In fact, humankindââ¬â¢s tragedy as expressed by Moliere is that it cannot admit how funny, hypocritical, and ironic most of its actions and views are.Because of this, Moliereââ¬â¢s play is much more comedy than tragedy. Alceste represents an ââ¬Å"everymanâ⬠of his social milieu and culture in Moliereââ¬â¢s perception. He would like to be honest but knows he lives in a social system that is dishonest. Alceste chastises Philinte because of his hypocritical behavior toward strangers, who he hugs and professes great love for but then reverses his position the minute they are gone. As Alceste tells him, ââ¬Å"Once the manââ¬â¢s back is turned, you cease to love him, / And speak with absolute indifference of him! By God, I say itââ¬â¢s base and scandalous / To falsify the heartââ¬â¢s affections thus; / If I caught myself behaving in such a way, / Iââ¬â¢d hang myself for shame, without delayâ⬠(Moliere 17). While the above treatment of oneââ¬â¢s fellow man may seem tragic, Moliere seems to be suggesting in a humorous way that all humans are often guilty of such behavior. In fact, it is Alcesteââ¬â¢s failures to recognize his own foibles that makes him so comical and his reaction to others hypocritical. Alceste is indignant and humorless with others like Oronte, who writes a poem about his beloved Celimene.He fails to realize his jealousy makes him just as guilty of treating others poorly as does Philinteââ¬â¢s hypocrisy. He is a jealous lover. He is a jealous friend. And he is hard on all those around him but himself. Moliere is maintaining this lack of se lf-perception may be manââ¬â¢s tragedy but from it springs much of the humor and comedy in life. We see this humor when Alceste maintains he would get rid of all those who wooed Celimene were he his beloved, ââ¬Å"Were I this lady, I would soon get rid / Of lovers who approved of all I did, / And by their slack indulgence and applause / Endorsed my follies and excused my flawsâ⬠(Moliere 68).In essence, Alceste endorses his own follies and excuses his own flaws. In conclusion, though there are definitely tragic elements that co-exist with the satire and comedy in Moliereââ¬â¢s The Misanthrope, overall the play is much more of a humorous and funny comedy than it is tragic. Though lack of insight and self-perception may be a tragic condition of humankind, Moliere sees much more humor and comedy stemming from it.Work Cited Moliere, Jean Baptiste. The Misanthrope and Tartuffe. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1965.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dna Dna and Alternate Dna Structure Essay
Dna Dna and Alternate Dna Structure Essay Dna: Dna and Alternate Dna Structure Essay DNA BY Navdeep Singh Period 4 Date 5-18-2015 Mr.Sanchez Chemistry B Inside the human body there lies something very unique to us that we call the DNA. It is predicted that there are over 3 billion base-pairs of DNA inside the average human. DNA itself is huge so letââ¬â¢s cover the basics you need to know about it. The DNA includes, RNA, Double-Helix, Base-pairing and an alternate DNA structure. It may seem amazing but beware your DNA can be damaged and or Replicated. In crime DNA comes very handy because detectives use forensics. Every living thing on the planet or most things have a DNA inside of them, therefore DNA is said to have evolved over the trillions of years. Translation is the final step on the way from DNA to protein. It is the synthesis of proteins directed by mRNA template. The information contained in the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA is read as three letter words (triplets), called codons. Each word stands for one amino acid. During translation amino acids are linked together to form a polypeptide chain which will later be folded into a protein. The translation is dependent on many components, of which two are extra important. First of all; the ribosome which is the cellular factory responsible for the protein synthesis. It consists of two different subunits, one small and one large and is built up from rRNA and proteins. Inside the ribosome the amino acids are linked together into a chain through multiple biochemical reactions. The second component is the tRNA, a specialized RNA molecule that carries an amino acid at one end and has a triplet of nucleotides, an anticodon, at the other end. The anticodon of a tRNA molecule can bas e pair, i.e form chemical bonds, with the mRNA's three letter codon. Thus the tRNA acts as the translator between mRNA and protein by bringing the specific amino acid coded for by the mRNA codon. Transcription sequences are found close to the ends of the sequences that are not coded. There are two types of bacteria. In the rhoindependent terminators, inverted repeat sequences are transcribed, they can then fold back on themselves in the hairpin loops, causing RNA pol to pause and resulting In release of the transcription. On the other hand, rhoindependent terminators make us use of a factor called rho, which actively unwinds the DNA-RNA hybrid formed during transcription, therefore releasing the newly and improved synthesized RNA. In eukaryotes, terminations of transcription occurs by many and a various different processes depending on the exact amount of polymerase that have or has been used. Now For the Pol 1 genes, In it Translation is stopped by using a terminal factor, through a mechanism that is very similar to rhoindependent termination sequence that includes a polykaryotic termination. Transcription of the poll III genes that end after transcribing a termination sequence that includes a polyuracil stretch, by a mechanism resembling rho-independent prokaryotic termination. The Termination of the Pol II transcripts, however, is far more complex and very complicated. The DNA has a strand which is called the Double-helix. Hybridization is the process of complementary base pairs binding which in time forms a Double-Helix. Melting is the process by which the interactions between the strands of the Double-Helix are broken, separating two nucleic acid strands. These bonds are very weak, and can easily be broken very fast. They are also easily separated by gentle heating, enzymes, or the brute force of physical force. The melting occurs sometimes at a certain point that is in the nucleic acid. T and A are the richer
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Real King Arthur essays
The Real King Arthur essays In The Once and Future King, the portrayal of the Middle Ages is conceived as that of magnificent castles, beautiful clothing, great kings and queens- everything and everyone perfect. No proof of the dirty, unjust, horrible circumstances that all people lived by- even the nobility- existed throughout the entire novel. The people and places in The Once and Future King are so backward that the story could be described as a fairy tale. Camelot, for one, would not have been so gorgeously described, and looked upon as a majestic land. Towns back then were not pretty. Dirt thrived in cities; there were diseases and crud everywhere. Camelot was also depicted as being in order, and just to everyone. Communities during the Middle Ages were not orderly. They were probably outright chaotic and unjust. As far as the king goes, he probably did not do much to help Arthur, such a great, benevolent king, would not have existed back then. A great king no doubt probably came to reign a time or two but someone who was so great, and did so many things for his kingdom and so influential would not have been formed back then. Kings during the time of The Once and Future King were mostly insane, or cruel, or just should never have been remembered. No king ever did so many things that they would have stood out so much as Arthur would have. As a queen, Guenevere, from The Once and Future King, did not fit the stereotypical-Middle-Age queen. She did not want to marry the king because she did not know him. That does not sound so absurd now-a-days, but back then if someone did not want to marry the king, you were thought of being just as crazy as the king could have been. Given the chance to marry into royalty and live, as close to as you could, easily, you would jump at it in a second. Guenevere was emotional, and had feelings, something The knight was even portrayed in a dreamla ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Psychological Contract
Advantages and Disadvantages of Psychological Contract Outline and critically evaluate the concept of the ââ¬Ëpsychological contractââ¬â¢. Why is an understanding of the psychological contract considered to be important to the management of the contemporary employment relationship? The concept of psychological contract Introductions There are two kinds of contracts which are the formal, written economic contract as well as the euqally important, informal and unwritten psychological contract. Itââ¬â¢s all about how people think they should be treated. Both involve rights, obligations and expectations on the part of employer and the employee. The key feature of the word ââ¬Ëcontractsââ¬â¢ is exchange in term of reward or the effort that employee puts in etc. For instance, the level of effort which employee puts in or employeeââ¬â¢s perception can be affected by how they are being treated by the organization. A quite large research literature on the psychological contract has been produced in only a short time with the ke y players being, in the United States, Denise Rousseau (Rousseau, 1995, 2001), Schein (1980) etc. Although much of the interest in the psychological contract is recent, its roots go back a long time, it having originally been discussed by Argyris (1960). History The concept of a ââ¬Å"psychological contractâ⬠was first coined by Argyris (1960); it refers to employer and employee expectations of the employment relationship as well as represents the mutual beliefs, perceptions and informal obligations between an employer and an employee. Expanding the concept of the contract was Schein (1980). According to Schien it may be defined as anâ⬠à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦unwritten set of expectations operating at all times between every member of an organization and the various managers and others in that organization.â⬠More recently Rousseau and her co- workers (Robinson and Rousseau, 1994) have suggested a more specific definition of the psychological contract. According to them, the psychological contract is characterised not only by expectations, but by promissory and reciprocal obligations. When these obligations are broken, they produce more emotional and extreme reactions than weaker expectations produce feelings of disappointment. Broken obligations lead to feelings of anger and reassessment of the individualââ¬â¢s relationships with the organization. Content The term psychology is derived from the Greek, meaning ââ¬Ëmind, spirit or soulââ¬â¢ and contract is that the expectations concern non- tangible, psychological issues. There are significant elements of all definitions of the psychological contract include: 1.3.1 integration of beliefs, values, expectations and aspirations of employer and employee, the beliefs of implicit promises and obligations are included, the level to which these are perceived to be met or violated and the level of trust within the relationship. 1.3.2 All the expectations must not be made explicit. It could be the implici t deal between employers and employees. Fairness and good faith are involved. 1.3.3 An significant feacture of the concept is it can be repeatedly re-negotiated, changing with an individualââ¬â¢s, and an organisationââ¬â¢s, expectations, and in shifting economic and social contexts. Yet, a snapshot of one point in time was only provided thus capturing only one stage in this social process. 1.3.4 Because it is based on individual perceptions individuals in the same organisation or job may perceive different psychological contracts, which will, in turn, influence the ways in which they perceive organisational events for instance redundancies or developing or modifying a flexitime system.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Criminology in the Future Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Criminology in the Future - Term Paper Example The methods have included research on biological and chemical measures that can deter terrorism activities. The methods have advocated for international cooperation in identifying and combating terrorism. The government exercises authority over the citizens through enactment of laws and enforcement (Ball, 2004). The crime fighting methods have changed the social policy from national and international perspectives. The law enforcement agencies and intelligence departments in the U.S assert that international cooperation is the most effective technique of fighting transnational crimes (Ball, 2004). Just six weeks after the September terrorist attacks on Twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, the Bush administration moved with speed to enact the Patriots Act. Basically, the Patriot Act is an acronym for (Uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism Act of 2001). The Purpose of the Act was to detect and punish terrorists in America and around the world, enhance the crime investigative mechanisms and enforce the Act in preventing future crimes (Ball, 2004). This crime fighting technique altered the social policy form national and international perspective since it allowed for detecting and prosecution of international money laundering activities that aim at financing terrorism activities (Vacca, 2009). The Act also allowed the U.S to scrutinize foreign countries and financial institutions and international monetary transactions that are susceptible to financing criminal activities. The Act also compelled all financial institutions within the country to report any instances of potential money laundering (Ball, 2004). The Act also prevented use of the U.S financial institutions by corrupt foreigners in facilitating repatriation of illegally acquired assets to
Ismg 3000 chapter 15&16 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ismg 3000 chapter 15 - Essay Example Despite the fact that blogs have passwords to restrict data access, the passwords can still be manipulated by experts so that they are able to access the stored data. For example, when the IVK Company information system failed, the competitors of the IVK Company, took advantage of the situation and wrote in their blogs about how the IVK Company had failed to upgrade its information system security. Although IVK realized this, the company employee decided to remain silent about the issue, but instead made plans of how to be upgrading the security system regularly. IVK Company employees realized that the person who had written false information about the IVK Company was a competitor and, therefore, the employees did not confront the writer. The manager promised the employees that such a problem in the information system failure would not occur in future. The Manager of the IVK Company promised to ensure that a policy on IVK Company information system was prepared as soon as possible. T he policy would specify the kind of information that the IVK Company IT system would have to store. The IVK Company learnt a lesson because, when the information system failed, competitors utilized the information stored in the information system to spread false information about the company to the public. The manager also assured the IVK employees that the company would be purchasing the latest security systems to protect the company information. This was because; cases of hacking and attacking by virus were becoming serious and a threat to the companyââ¬â¢s information system. The manager also revealed that the company was to use the social network such as Facebook and you tube to improve collaboration within the company (Richard 445) After the IVK Company information system collapsed, Barton and Davies, had a lot of problems trying to put the system back to normal. Not only were they to put it back, but also upgrade it so that it was secure from hackers and
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Strategic management - Essay Example In general, a case study on a particular business organization provides an in-depth analysis on its operation, structure, and situation. However, a study accomplishes more than just that by giving us a view of a company copes with the internal pressures and the external trends, challenges, and opportunity. This paper will focus on the case study entitled South African Beverages (SAB): Achieving Growth in the Global market. The main focus is to expose the central issues on the business organizationââ¬â¢s alternative strategic directions. The case lays out the significant information that SAB needs to consider before it can make any strategically efficient choice. Looking closely, this wealth of information can either be classified as products of internal or environmental scanning. Internal scanning essentially looks at the vision, mission, objectives, structure, strategy, core competence, strengths and weaknesses of a company while environmental scanning refers to the analysis of t he external factors which affects the business organization such as opportunities, threats, trends, changes, and developments. Any strategic direction taken by SAB should always be in line with how it wants to see itself in the future and its strategic goals. The companyââ¬â¢s vision is to be one of the top five brewers in the world. In terms of organizational structure, it is apparent that SAB is employing a decentralized strategy in managing its human resource.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Safegurads and Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Safegurads and Controls - Essay Example The used book store envision to promote literacy through their funding for education improvement programs by buying books that people do not want, find buyers and fund the proceeds for social cause. Used books are usually collected through campus collection from universities and colleges and from donation initiatives and discard of Libraries. Online services enables the store to distribute used books to a wide range of people globally, nationally and locally, who are in need of free books in underdeveloped countries. Alans used book store gives importance to save million of tonnes of paper waste for recycling rather than using it for landfills. The book store also envisages collecting voluntary funds from customers at exit point to fund reforestation programs and renewable energy credits (Profits with Purpose: Better World Books). Books should be handled with care while arranging them in shelves and moving it to make place for new arrivals. The dust jackets usually get damaged when moving books. Further books should be stored in a systematic manner to avoid theft and to locate books quickly. Books have to be categorized and numbered and stocks should be taken at regular intervals to keep a check on the number of sold items and the number of new arrivals. Proper accounting with details of the book will enable the business to identify books that sell fast and books that do not sell quickly. Books should not be stacked in the shelves; instead it should be placed in a stand up position. This reduces damage to books and offers ease to handle books and prevent the probable damage while taking a book from the bottom of a stacked row. Books should always be placed on the shelves. Books should not be place on the floor since it may contact moisture. Books will get faded and pages will turn yellow if it is exposed to d irect sunlight. Alans used book store proposes to manage risk by purchasing books from users that are mostly sought
Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ping Sweeps and Port Scans - Assignment Example Computer activities fall into broad categories of the ones which enhance proper functioning of other programs running on a computer whereas others which render expected functioning difficult. We must safeguard our computers against the malicious activities. Information about a computer such as the details about its operating system, details about programs running on it, information about various protocols, details about usage of ports and responses to different functions are amongst those targeted by hackers and jammers in a network. Ping sweep is a very fundamental scanning activity used to primarily determine the range of IP addresses which map to live hosts (TechTarget, 2002). Usually we ping a computer to know the active presence of the desired host. However, ping sweeps do it for a multitude of computers. Ping sweep is also known as ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) sweep (TechTarget, 2002). Ping sweeps can be performed voluntarily by an organization to determine active hosts. Upon determination we use this data to perform data transactions/sharing between desired active hosts. It can also be performed by an outsider with an intention to drag information out of a computer database for wrong purposes. The process of knowing active hosts in ping sweep is similar to an act where a pickpocket identifies his prey in a crowded bus (Murali, 2004). Every sweep is an attempt with hope. We can take stringent security measures to avoid responding to external pings. Once the computer responds to ping sweep, there begins the next process of port scanning. Port scan is the process of sending messages to a port for determining the type of network services offered by the host (Ireland, S, 2009). Upon receiving messages the ports respond with their status of being in use or being dormant. Depending upon this status information, the tuned port can now be used for hacking useful and often confidential information. The ports represent potential communication
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Workplace romance Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Workplace romance - Thesis Example Some coworkers may take workplace to be of no interest to them even as others may see their love affair responded to with a high level of defense. Companies and organizations are confused in respect work place romance since they ought to give a free and conducive environment for workers as opposed supposed to creating fear and tension among workers. Another subject of confusion in relation o workplace romance relates to the right organ or department to handle such cases. Some managers feel that such relationships could affect the productivity of the company while others feel that workers are citizens who have rights to socialize in whichever way they like even in the organizational setup. This has seen companies in situations where they have been unable to come with approaches and policies that address office dating. It has become challenging when people from different departments fall in love, for example, the administrator having a love affair with a junior officer in a certain dep artment. Secondly, it has been of less effect when the administrator develops a romantic relationship with his or her secretary, when the same administrator is the one who is in charge of implementing the laid down policies. This paper will discuss different perspectives and opinions of different authors toward work place romance. According to Bytautas, Klenin, Marinescu and Appelbaum (2007), employers have experienced work place relationships for a long time. They indicate that employers are in a position to realize that workers have love relationships with another employee. Bytautas et al. indicate that companies have realized the effects that come with work place relationships. It is has negative effects on production since the respective couples tend to spend their time together thinking of each other instead of concentrating on the delivery of service. Bytautas et al. suggest that work place romance has been a result of an
Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ping Sweeps and Port Scans - Assignment Example Computer activities fall into broad categories of the ones which enhance proper functioning of other programs running on a computer whereas others which render expected functioning difficult. We must safeguard our computers against the malicious activities. Information about a computer such as the details about its operating system, details about programs running on it, information about various protocols, details about usage of ports and responses to different functions are amongst those targeted by hackers and jammers in a network. Ping sweep is a very fundamental scanning activity used to primarily determine the range of IP addresses which map to live hosts (TechTarget, 2002). Usually we ping a computer to know the active presence of the desired host. However, ping sweeps do it for a multitude of computers. Ping sweep is also known as ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) sweep (TechTarget, 2002). Ping sweeps can be performed voluntarily by an organization to determine active hosts. Upon determination we use this data to perform data transactions/sharing between desired active hosts. It can also be performed by an outsider with an intention to drag information out of a computer database for wrong purposes. The process of knowing active hosts in ping sweep is similar to an act where a pickpocket identifies his prey in a crowded bus (Murali, 2004). Every sweep is an attempt with hope. We can take stringent security measures to avoid responding to external pings. Once the computer responds to ping sweep, there begins the next process of port scanning. Port scan is the process of sending messages to a port for determining the type of network services offered by the host (Ireland, S, 2009). Upon receiving messages the ports respond with their status of being in use or being dormant. Depending upon this status information, the tuned port can now be used for hacking useful and often confidential information. The ports represent potential communication
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Heat of Combustion Lab Essay Example for Free
Heat of Combustion Lab Essay There are many fuels in the world and we use fuel everyday in our life. However some fuels are very useful and some are not. Usually useful fuel means the fuel that is very efficient in a small amount. To know the efficiency of each material, we measured the changes of mass and temperature when we burn them. And we calculated changing energy by using the equation that we learned in the class by using our measurements. And we calculated the heat of combustion to know the efficiency of the material. We also used the data booklet value for the standard enthalpy of combustion of each material to get the errors in our experiment. Errors in our experiment were usually over 20 percent which is quite large. Before we heated the water, we made the temperature of water below than 10à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C with ice to see the changes of temperature more efficiently. If we just heated it in normal temperature such as 20à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C, we couldnt see the changes of temperature well, and it could take more time to heat it. We also measure the changes of mass of material to see how much we burned. We put some ice in the water to make the initial temperature of water as lower than 10à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C. When the temperature decreased up to 10à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C, we took out ice from the water. After we took out the ice and fill the cylinder up to 200ml of water, the temperature was higher than 10à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C because the temperature of the water changed very quickly. We measured the temperature of water and then we hang the tin can on the hanger, so the temperature might increased again during we set up all the experiment systems. So we should measure the temperature of water when we set up all the things. For example we should measure it after we turn the light on the candle wax and hang the tin can on the hanger. We measured the final temperature to see the changes of the temperature. We blew out the candle when the temperature reaches 35à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C, and we measured the highest temperature reached as the final temperature. When the temperature reaches 35à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C, we quickly blew out the candle. However we are not accurate as the machine so we might didnt blow out it when it reaches exactly 35à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C. Also it was difficult to measure the highest temperature of it after we blow it out. Even though we kept watching it, the temperature changes so quickly, so our measurements are not correct 100%. In our experiment we didnt measure the mass of tin can. If we measure the mass of it, we could get more precise measurement compare to the standard enthalpy of combustion. Our errors are quite large, so I think one of reason is that we forgot the measure the mass of tin. So we should study and think more about the experiment before we do it. We could calculate how much heat we got by adding the changing energy of water and the changing energy of the tin can, if we measured the mass of can. At the end of the experiment, we measured the mass of candle to know how much of them were burned. During and after we blow out the candle, some of liquid were might evaporated. Such as ethanol and butanol are volatile liquid, and the fact that the lamp was hot indicates that some of it would have evaporated. So they are burned and evaporated more after we measure the temperature. Another fact that we should consider is that not only the water was being heated, but also the thermometer, stirring rod and the tin can were also being heated. We should consider that they were also heated, so we should measure how much heat were used to heat them. Also some other heat would have been lost round the sides of the tin can, and from the water to the atmosphere. Due to our room temperature are different from the temperature of water. The good thing that we did in our experiment is that we made some space when we set up the large metal can to surround the candle. As we make some space under the large can by putting some flat cylinder under the can, the candle burned more quickly and well. If we didnt make the space for it, air might stuck in there so it would take more time to reaches up to 35à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½C.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Developing Personal Goals for Career Development
Developing Personal Goals for Career Development Abstract Planning goals is one step towards the development of a career. To achieve a goal, one must plan on how to make this happen. You just dont wake up one day and decide that this is what I want to achieve without first of all considering the ways and means of achieving that and the possible hindrances on the way. It is important to break down your goals because it is through this that that you are setting reasonable goals as well as creating a long term plan. It is also important to make a plan to achieve the goals that you have set. A goal that has been set but does not have a plan remains just that. A goal. That is why people have visions, dreams, ideas and intentions but these never happen because they have not been planned. Goal planning helps when you want to advance your career and a good goal should not necessarily be time bound. One needs to select an area of specialization as a target to your goals. In this case I have chosen Nurse Consultant as my area of specialization. This is the role which I will focus during my masters degree in a nursing program. I have expounded on the areas that I am competent in, and the potential areas that are of interest to me. I have chosen to specialize in nurse consultancy because this is a new field that is not heavily crowded. Hence there is a greater chance of getting employment and if not, I can still employ myself by opening a nurse consultancy. Introduction There is a need for people to set their own goals in life. The first step is usually setting goals that are not too high but which all in all present a challenge. This means that goals must be reasonable, attainable and achievable. One must then develop a plan on how to achieve the set goals because goals with no plans are simply fantasies. Also the goals that one sets must have a challenge. This is because what you have already achieved does not pose a challenge at all. SMAART planning methods are a necessary guide to achieving goals. SMAART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Action Oriented, Results oriented and Time-phased. This means that you should say what you want to achieve clearly and concisely, you should have a unit of measure for your goals hence they should be objective rather than subjective, should be realistic, should be written in an active rather than a passive voice, one should focus on end results and at least one should set a deadline to achieve the stat ed goals. My main goal in life is to be a fully qualified and successful nurse and work with the best institution in the country so as to help all the people regardless of their backgrounds. I plan to achieve this by completing my BSN and then after attaining a MSN. Career goal. My goal in life is to be a senior nurse in the best institutions in this country. I want to be a highly qualified nurse with an MSN.This I want to achieve by obtaining a masters degree from a nursing institution. I am aiming to attain this after completing my BSN which I will this year on June. After this I want to get a good highly paying job at the best institution in this country and it is after this that I will consider myself successful. I am a registered nurse with the National Health Service (NHS). I am currently working two jobs one as a Childrens nurse and the other one as a tutor in a small business college. Professional short term goal My professional short term goals is to better my career by attaining the BSN. When I achieve this, my career will have improved in terms of services that I will offer because I will have improved my scope of knowledge Professional long term goal. My professional long-term goal is to be the head nurse of a National hospital. This I can achieve after attaining my MSN. Personal short term goal My personal short term goal is to work just one job that is well paying because taking two jobs is becoming cumbersome on my part. Personal long term goal I want to earn more money and change my lifestyle want to have a good life and a nice car. I also want to buy a better house in a more posh and safer neighborhood also want to move away from my current home which I have rented and into a new home that I own. Needed skills The skills needed to achieve the goals I have set for myself include personal skills, social skills, and professional skills, educational and thinking skills Personal skills I need Self awareness in order to identify my own needs, attitudes, feelings, strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve my goals. I will also actively identify and utilize a wide range of all the available resources and seek other viewpoints and opinions. I will consider actively the implications of my studies on my daily activities and my job. That is why I have come up with a well developed but dynamic plan. I will consistently motivate myself and assure myself that I can make it no matter what. I will listen to other peoples opinion share with them and ask their support whenever I need it. I will work closely with my colleagues both in campus and at the job. I will make sure that I achieve my MSN so that my long term goals can be achieved. Management of time. I will need to routinely use time well and ensure that I have not wasted any time on unnecessary activities. When I enroll for my masters, I will drop one job so that may concentrate more on my studies. Milestones for achieving the goals. Short term goals After completing my BSN degree. when I start working one well paying job Long-term goals when I become the head nurse of a National hospital When I build my own house. When I move out of my neighborhood into a better high class neighborhood. Hindrances Fear-this is one of the barriers that may prevent me from achieving the goals. This may be fear of not fairing well in my BSN which may inurn inhibit me from enrolling for my MSN. I am also afraid that my application for masters may be declined. I plan to work hard to ensure that such an occurrence will not happen. Unsupportive people-I have many friends and relatives who do not have the level of education that I have. They usually discourage me a lot and tell me to stop harassing myself with books and that I have two jobs. I plan to keep them off and to those that I cannot; I will simply ignore and /or assume them. Conclusion Personal commitment and dedication will be required to achieve the above goals. I will have to work with other people closely to achieve my long term and short term goals. This is because no man is an island. I will avoid negative thinking completely and work on being optimistic and motivated. I must have a strong drive and belief that I will achieve these goals. Though I have not stated a particular deadline, I plan to attain these goals in stages and to finally achieve my long term goals within the next 5years.i will also trust in God and pray unto him to make my plans come into fulfillment. Recommendations A personal goal plan should be realistic and attainable. There is need for each and every person to write up a personal goal plan. This will help one know what he is aiming in life and also what one has achieved so far. Goals may change and therefore one need to critically think what he/she wants in life before listing down the goals. Even after there is a change in goals one should not see him/herself as a failure. In that case, one should write up new goals and aim to achieve them. Change of short term goals does not necessarily mean a change in the long-term goals.Ã References Chapman, A. (2007). Goal Planning Templates for Personal and Organizational Aims. Retrieved February 09 Mind tools ltd (2010).Essential Skills For an Excellent Career. Retrieved 09 February Peterson, D. (2008). How To Write SMAART Goals and Objectives. Retrieved February 09 Johansen, K. (1996). The Business Focus of HRD Leaders. Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference held in Minneapolis in February, 1996. Legge, M. Career tools retrieved February 4, 2010 from Rouda, H. Kusy, M. (1995) Career Development.Tappi Journal.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Imagery And Symbolism in William Blakeââ¬â¢s The Tyger Essay -- William Bl
Imagery And Symbolism in William Blakeââ¬â¢s The Tyger ââ¬Å"Can you give to the horse mightyness? Can you clothe its neck with a rustling mane? Can you cause it to leap like a locust?â⬠(Job 39:19-20) William Blakeââ¬â¢s The Tyger is reminiscent of when God questioned Job rhetorically about his creations, many of them being fearsome beasts such as the leviathan or the behemoth. Much like this speech from the old testament, The Tyger also uses a significant amount of imagery and symbolism which contributes to its spiritual aspects. There is a wealth of imagery in the first two lines alone. The poem begins: ââ¬Å"Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night,â⬠The reader conceives in their mind the image of a tiger with a coat blazing like fire in the bowels of a dark forest. This creates a negative impression of the tiger, so some might say that the tiger is symbolic of evil. Some people may go even further to conclude that the tiger is a symbol of Satan. Perhaps mainly the people who derive their interpretation of hell from Danteââ¬â¢s Inferno, or other works of literature that portray the devil as a predator, cloaked in flames residing in the darkness of hell. The same type of imagery and symbolism is used in the first two lines of the second stanza, where it says: ââ¬Å"In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes?â⬠The images of ââ¬Å"distant deeps or skiesâ⬠again presents images of a realm of darkness, and one is reminded again of the traditional interpretation o...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Clockwork Orange :: essays research papers
The movie A Clockwork Orange takes place in the future of London. Anthony Burgess originally wrote it. Later on made into a movie, and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The movie is to represent ultra-violence and how there is no scientific cure yet. The social context is very violent in the beginning showing scenes of rape and assault. The movie shows a violent killer and rapist, and an attempt to cure him that fails. The author of A Clockwork Orange is Anthony Burgess, also went by the name Joseph Kell. He was born on February 25, 1917, in Manchester. His family was middle class, and their religious background was Catholic. His family life was not easy. His father was a cashier and piano player. His mother died of the flu in 1919, two years after he was born. So with his mother gone and his father not doing to great financially, his maternal aunt then raised him. His stepmother then raised him. Despite the many changes in where he was living, he always was good in school. He continued his studies at Xaverian College and Manchester University. When in college he studied the English language, and literature. He finished school in 1940, which was right around World War II. So he now had to serve at the Royal Army Medical corps. He fell in love and got married in 1942, to an alcoholic named llwela Isherwood, who passed away in 1968 due to alcohol. Burgess was released from the medical corp. around 1945, and then started teaching. He held down to jobs from 1946 to 1950. The jobs were a college professor at Birmingham University and a teacher at Banbury Grammar School. He was not writing that much at this point, only studying music. Anthony Burgess completed his first novel in 1949, although it was finished, it was not published until 1965. In 1954 he was an education officer, he then wrote a trilogy. This trilogy included Time for a Tiger, The Enemy in the Blanket, and Beds in the East.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Health Insurance Essay
For someone like me who has no health insurance it is very hard to keep up with my healthcare, but with the new health care laws that are coming about it may be a little easier for people to stay healthy. Thesis: Healthcare is a very important part of life, it keeps people healthy, but is also non-affordable if you do not have any health insurance. A. Why is healthcare important? Longer more productive living for one To ensure a healthy body, a healthy workplace, a healthy community, and a healthy nation Community is protected from contagious disease and the loss of tax revenue from illness Our national security is threatened when our nation suffers from a lack of good health B. What has been done to improve the cost of healthcare? The Affordable Care Act (been the ââ¬Å"the law of the landâ⬠for almost three years. Employer based coverage Companies with more than fifty employees are required to offer health insurance or pay a fine With obamacare, policies will still be regulated by the states, but the policies are required to provide minimal essential benefits, such as mental health and maternity coverage Insurance is ââ¬Å"guaranteed issueâ⬠, meaning you cannot be turned down no matter what illness you have in your past. C. The price of healthcare. Price is determined by only four criteria Age, premium rating area, number of family members getting coverage, and tobacco use. Starting October 13,2013 you will have the ability to shop for these new individual policies on a health coverage exchange. Conclusion: As I have pointed out it takes a lot to have and keep health coverage in todayââ¬â¢s world, but also as you can see there are some things that are coming about to make it a little easier. The new healthcare laws are just the first step in improving are healthcare system. Even though the system still has a very long road ahead of them at least it is being recognized in some way shape or form. References WWW. answers. yahoo. com/questions/index? WWW. forbes. com/sites/carolynmcclanahan/2013/03/03/obamacare-is-around-the-corner-where-will-you-buy-health-insurance-and-what-will-it-cost.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How Far The Australiaââ¬â¢s Legal, Political And Educational Structures Are Modeled On British Institutions Essay
Australia was colonized by British and was granted independence in 1901. The six colonies which had been formerly inhabited by the British during colonization became the six states in the federal government that Australia assumed. Most of the legal, political and education systems borrowed a lot from British institutions, although Australia preferred to borrow the federal system from America (State University, 2009). à Some of the powers that had been held by the states were volunteered progressively and when the twentieth century came to close, the federal government was responsible in running Australia. How Far the Australiaââ¬â¢s Legal, Political and Educational Structures Are Modeled On British Institution The major institutes in Australia such as bureaucracy, education and the language that is commonly used there have a British line modeling. Some of The universities that were in Australia in the 1920s boasted of being as old as three- quarter century. It was quite evident that there was no one teaching economics until 1913. The professor who was teaching history or philosophy gave a single or double lecture on the theory of economics in a week. Due to the extensive work load, economics experienced a lot of negligence something that profoundly shocked the Americans (Heaton, 2008). Most universities in Australia had borrowed a lot of British ideas in their modeling and with special preference of Cambridge and Oxford which concentrated in technical training, back in 1920s. Economic science had minimal teaching in Britain until recently and Australia gave little attention as it held the British system highly. Mathematics, philosophy, classics and literature that were commonly offered in most universities in Britain were accorded a lot of respect by the Australians who also offered them in their universities. There was a lot of attention in offering of law, medicine and engineering which were traditional courses offered in universities of Britain. The state established most universities in Australia, and the largest proportion of revenue was drawn from public coffers and this takes place up to date (Heaton, 2008). Most endowments that were private contributed minimally to the development of universities in Australia unlike in America. These private endowments invested half the revenue that the government invested in public institutions. Money from the public was unconditionally granted by the government which made no attempt to seriously control policies and teaching. The universities were dependent on the state, similar to universities in Britain. The first universities in Australia were established with the aim of meeting the standards that stressed their capability of meeting the values and norms of the models of British universities which were considered to be the most appropriate (University of Western Australia, 2003. These models that were adopted have made it impossible for newer universities to adopt any other system as a powerful effect has been exerted by the already existing universities. The government draws a lot of security from scientific interests than culture and education is seen more of an instrument than experience (State University 2009). The community also perceives the university to be a place where it is served through the training of lawyers, engineers, dentists, teachers and doctors and thus these traditional courses continue holding a lot of attention. Specialization is very common in most of the Australian universities and once a student goes to a specific department, they will be ignorant on other departments. This has resulted to the graduates being more professionalized than educated. This phenomenon is common in most prestigious universities in Britain. America has the most diversified university programs and there is a call for conformity of Australian universities by the people. Australian law is comprised of the common law, (which derives its basis from the common law of Britain), the constitution and federal laws passed by parliament. The states within Australia exercise their own governing over the court systems and parliaments which are present in each. The systems of government and law that are currently existent in Australia have their legal dependence and validity on the British statutes (University of Western Australia, 2003) à One such statute is the Act of 1900 known as Commonwealth of Constitution of Australia. The characters of legal institutions and Austrian law traditions have a monoculture characteristic. This reflects an origin which is English in nature. The Aborigines who were the natives of Australia were completely ignored by the British as they were too native and the Britons completely disregarded any laws that were in place, but instead subjected them to the England laws (Aroney 2007, p. 8). Recently, Howard made the same maneuver in 2007, by initiating an intervention of communities of the Aborigines who live in the territory that lies in the North of Australia. The forces of the military were mobilized and the government granted them power to directly exercise control over the communities which were targeted. This was to last for five years and this move is no different from what the British did when they first arrived in Australia. à The constitution protects Howardââ¬â¢s maneuvers as the state government can override the government authority in the Northern territory (Stringer 2007, p. 30). This law is still present in the constitution which gives the government the power to constitutionally usurp territorial governmentsââ¬â¢ sovereignty.à Howard is doing what the British did to the native aborigines since this intervention has been viewed as contravening the human rights due to its discriminatory nature. Howard claims that he is saving the aboriginal children from being sexually abused by the whites in Australia (Stringer 2007,à 32). It is evident that the constitution of Australia is still embedded on the Common Wealth Constitution by the British and nothing has been done to include the native Aborigines in the constitution. à à The system of court that is present has still borrowed a lot of modeling from the English system (Goldring, 2003).à à à The high court is the final appeal court and also deals with constitution matters. The basis of the constitution of Australia is the commonwealth constitution that was enacted in 1900 and this statute was used until 1942. The independence of the legislature was enacted in 1986 in Australia. This was a symbol of its freedom from Britain. Until 1990, Australia held the status of constitutional monarchy something it had inherited from Britain. Although there are supreme courts in all states, the high court was established to ensure the uniformity of the common law. The common law is inherent of the common law in Britain (Edwiyna 2008, p. 230). The premier in the UK is an enviable character who enjoys a lot of executive powers that the presidents of America have no access to. This power is similar to what the premier in Australia enjoys a clear picture that Australia adopted the same political arrangement as Britain which had formerly colonized it (Bennister 2007, p. 335). Both the premiership in Australia exhibit a lot of similarities as the there is a lot of capacity and influence from the premier. There are a lot of constraints in the institutional that are discrete, but the capacity of resources is easy to identify. Both of these premiers are stretching the institution through growth in the office of the leaders, policy advice which is bold and centralized and the ministerial adviserââ¬â¢s functions and roles have been strengthened. These new structures, practices and process are entrenched in the political systems of both the premiers and this is attributed to the practice of their executive powers (Bennister 2007, p. 330). Australia adopted the office of the premier with executive powers like Britain who can make decisions that are hardly challenged. Conclusion Australia, which was a British colony, has borrowed so much from Britain in terms of education, legal and political system. Most of its oldest universities were modeled from the famous British universities such as Cambridge and Oxford. There was a perception that the technical courses offered in these reputable institutions should be taken as the guidelines in the universities in Australia. This has made most private investors to shy away from establishing more universities and by 2007; there were only two private universities out of the 39 that were present in the country.à There has been an outcry for the education system to be diversified to conform to that of American universities that are seen as more appropriate. The constitution that borrowed a lot from the Commonwealth Act needs some of the statutes to be reviewed to conform to the modern times. The Act that gives the government permission to usurp Northern territories sovereignty sounds so colonist and it should be reviewed to protect the Aboriginal communities. It is the high time that Australia reviewed its own constitution to include everyone and get rid of some of the statutes that were present during colonialism. From this review, it is clear that most Australian systems are modeled on British institutions. Bibliography: Aroney, N 2007, Comparative law in Australian constitutional jurisprudence: University of Queensland law journal, University of Queensland, Vol. 26(2) pp 8 Bennister, M 2007, Tony Blair and John Howard: Comparative Predominance and ââ¬ËInstitution Stretchââ¬â¢ in the UK and Australia, British journal of politics and international relations, Vol. 9 (3) pp 327-345 Edwiyna, H 2008, Colonialism and Long-Run Growth in Australia: An Examination of Institutional Change in Victoriaââ¬â¢s Water Sector During the Nineteenth Century,à Blackwell publishing ltd Vol. 48 (3) pp 266-279 Goldring, J 2003, The Australian court system and its oral tradition, Retrieved April 25, 2009 from,+political+
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
 Nissim Ezekielââ¬â¢S ââ¬ÅEnterpriseââ¬Â Essay
Nissim Ezekielââ¬â¢S ââ¬Å"Enterpriseâ⬠ââ¬ËEnterpriseââ¬â¢ is an allegory of human condition on this planet and of the frequent efforts, failure and frustrations to which man is subject by the very nature of earthly life. The poet describes a spiritual pilgrimage where each pilgrim faces difficulties and disillusionment along the way. Thus, in the ââ¬ËEnterpriseââ¬â¢ a group of people undertake a journey moved by noble aspirations, but it all ends in failures and frustrations as is usually the case with human attempts at some noble achievement. The pilgrimage becomes a weary trek, by the time the goal is reached. The goal is alluring but the process of reaching it empties the victory of its glamour and glory. A number of people, including the poet decide to go on a pilgrimage. They are city dwellers and the journey they undertake is to some romantic, primitive hinterland. They start with hope, courage and determination, with their minds full of noble ideas and ideals. They are out to make some heroic effort, which will lead to some noble achievements. Their minds are exalted and they are not afraid of any dangers and difficulties. This stage of the journey symbolizes the stage of innocence that man enjoys in his boyhood and early youth, when he is entirely unconscious of the frustrations and failures which life brings at every stage. But this innocence is lost and in the next stage of the journey the pilgrims face dangers and difficulties. They continue on their onward journey of exploration. The objects and forces of nature are out to frustrate human endeavor like the oppressive heat of the sun. The group of travelers is able to put up very well with the dangers and difficulties for sometime and continue to journey in hope. They note down the goods being bought and sold by the peasants and observe the ways of serpents and goats. They pass through three cities where a sage had taught, but does not care to find out what he had taught. But soon there are distractions and diversions. The difficulties and dangers posed by manââ¬â¢s physical environment are not as damaging as those that result from his own insufficiency. Soon there are differences of opinion among the travelers and they began to quarrel over petty matters. They had to cross a piece of wasteland a ââ¬Ëdesert patchââ¬â¢, and they could not agree as to the best way of doing so. One of vtheir friends-rather proud of him stylish prose-was so angry that he left their company. The shadow of discord fell on their enterprise, and it has continued to grow. Bickering over petty matters, needless quarrels over trifles, hatred of, and hostility to, those who hold different opinions, is ingrained in human nature, and thus man carries the seeds of his failure and frustration within his own self. So do these pilgrims who, despite their quarrel, continue their onward journey. But none the less, they are divided into groups, each group attacking the other. Engrossed in their quarrel, they lose their ways and forget noble aspirations which had motivated their enterprise. Their goal and their purpose were forgotten and their idealism is all gone. Some of them decide to leave the group. Frustration and difficulties overwhelm the human spirit and many do not have the courage to face the realities of life. They seek relief in escape and withdrawal. Many of us are such introverts. Some try to pray and seek Divine assistance and blessings, forgetting that God help those who help themselves. Their leader feels that he smelt the sea and he feels that they have reached a dead end, and must go back. Their pilgrimage must end. Still they persist, though their journey has lost all itsââ¬â¢ significance. They are dirty and shabby for they have been deprived of such common needs as soap, are broken in spirit and bent down physically. Such is the ultimate end of all human enterprises; this is the essential truth of human life. Absorbed in their pretty quarrels and tried and exhausted, frustrated and at bay, the travelers do not even hear the thunder and even if they do so, they ignore their significance. The thunder is symbolic of spiritual regeneration and fertility but they do not care for it. The extreme hopelessness of man at the end of lifeââ¬â¢s journey is thus stressed. The pilgrims even come to doubt the very worth and significance of the journey. It seems to them to have been meaningless and futile. All their noble aspirations are forgotten, there is sorrow and suffering on every face, and they are conscious of the fact that their actions have neither been great nor even. Efforts to escape from the realities of human existence are futile. We must accept the limitations of our lot and do our best within those limitations. Heroism means the acceptance of our lot in life and theà doing of our best in the service of God and humanity. Therefore the poem concludes on a note of exultation and optimism when the pilgrims realize that it is not by undertaking long hazardous journeys but by doing the right deeds that everyone can receive Godââ¬â¢s grace. 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Tuesday, October 8, 2019
To what extent is it accurate to describe the Soviet Union as a Essay
To what extent is it accurate to describe the Soviet Union as a totalitarian empire - Essay Example its political ideology and practices were in large part a result of the Cold War which froze Soviet society in a manner that was both ââ¬Å"defensiveâ⬠and ââ¬Å"repressiveâ⬠. For the most part revisionists argue that the characterization of the Soviet Union as a totalitarian empire was a mere matter of the West and particularly the US labeling its post-war enemy. It is submitted that there are certainly periods in Soviet history in which intermittent and often protracted reigns of terror accurately present the Soviet Union as a totalitarian empire. The Bolshevik reign of terror from 1918 -1922 under Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalinââ¬â¢s authoritarian rule from 1922-1953 were inescapably totalitarian in nature. However, to carry over Bolshevism and Stalinism over to Communism is unfair and does not accurately depict the true nature of the Soviet Union as an empire as a whole. In other words, under Bolshevism and Stalinism, it is accurate to describe the Soviet Union as a totalitarian empire. However, in the post-Stalin era and up to the Cold War, it is largely incorrect to characterize the Soviet Union as a totalitarian empire and any such label may be largely self-serving. This paper demonstrates this conclusion by analyzing the totalitarian and revisionist debates on the issues. The theory of totalitarianism first emerged during the 1930s and the 1940s and encapsulated a Western ideology of ââ¬Å"the total stateâ⬠and was largely used to characterize the dictatorships of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. From the Western perspective, Hitlerââ¬â¢s Nazi Germany and Stalinââ¬â¢s Communist Soviet Union epitomized the totalitarian state.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 147
Discussion - Essay Example As much as the Protagoras by Plato fails to identify specific benefits that come with staying within such a community, upholding moral requirements within a community would bring such benefits. The theoryââ¬â¢s major argument is that when individuals engage in moral actions that are mutual, or reciprocated, then all of them are certain to benefit from such a relationship. It is important to note that as much as most communities reciprocate an individualââ¬â¢s moral actions, it is only in communities that are well-functioning and cooperative that such reciprocation is assured. Since communities involve individual efforts towards a single goal of development, this theory provides a perfect framework towards which all members of a community can benefit by each acting not in their own but in the interests of others. The society ought to establish collective rules that would govern the intentions of each independent individual towards the good of each of the members of the society. As such, through the Protagoras theory, justice is portrayed as indispensable and
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Potential Computer Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Potential Computer Application - Essay Example, e-bay are few of the notable sites that deal in such businesses and are world renowned (Dave, 2008). Many a times, it is being said that the threats arise at the end nodes; however the threats are still equally potent even if they do not penetrate the system across the medium. The e-commerce setup largely consists of three components, the server, the I.P section and the client section. Clients are usually the soft targets for the hackers. Security breaches have taken place in history of e-commerce in case of Yahoo and trading and have resulted in large amount of financial damages as well as loss of trust of customers. Code Red Warm, The NIMDA, are few of the threats and experienced by Microsoft in recent past where private data was at direct threat (Whitman & Mattord, 2007). Various other threats include viruses and Trojan horses. Denial of service (D.O.S) is a common term in the world of e commerce and is another menace towards the smooth and reliable operation s in the world of online businesses. The need is to install vendor patches in order to minimize the impact of denial of service intrusions. This along with providing the customers more security n form of protecting their SSN numbers, and most importantly enable encryption mechanism on the transactions performed by the customers (Marchany & Tront, 2002). Installation of firewalls can minimize the entry of undesired elements, and would limit the interaction to only authenticated customers and the parent companies. Encryption in shape of digital signatures and secret keys are small efforts that can make a large difference. Privacy issues about RFID have received extensive attention. Discuss how to protect privacy in electronic society. RFID, acronym for radio frequency identification technique, is largely in use nearly all business centers and malls as well as industries. Their use is not just limited to the commercial applications; rather it is being used in military equipments as wel l. It has reduced the manual work and through the computerized data storing, has added large value to various components of the system. However, of late numbers of issues have popped up during its use. The issues come in various forms and they are believed to be able to trace the customer even after they have left the premises of the mall just because of the tag that is embalmed on the product (Dempsey, 2010) .Other issues concerning this technology include the compatibility in terms of universal handling and the factor of various proprietary bodies that have created further obstacles by restricting its use. With efforts in place for globalization of RFID based on unique numbers, it could further hamper the security factor since the standardization may lead to tracing of other important numbers like credit card and social security numbers. In terms of the supply chain and various industries, it is being believed that the RFID tags can enable getting the information about the interna l components of the supply chain which is otherwise strongly held from other organizations and competitors. On the application front, the possibility of jamming of the particular frequency at which RFID operates, can result in halting of entire system which can be least afforded in the field of medical and military
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Scenario Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Scenario Exam - Essay Example It is noted that Meredith Parker is a 36 year old woman who is a supervisor in a large department store. She works full time, leaving little time to spend with her two small children aged 4 and 2. Over the last two months, Meredith has lost 10kg and has now begun to experience episodes of right sided pain under her ribs, radiating through to her shoulder blade. These have become more frequent, lasting for several hours with episodes of nausea and vomiting. Following a GP referral and investigations she has been admitted to the ward for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. She stopped taking the combined oral contraceptive pill one year ago and smokes 15 cigarettes per day. In pre-admission clinic her observations were: BP 140/84 mmHg; pulse rate 74 beats/min and regular; respiratory rate 17 breaths/min; temperature 36.8 o C, oxygen saturation 98%.Her waist circumference is 92cm. It is certain that with Meredith Parkerââ¬â¢s case there are numerous foreseeable consequences that she is l ikely to encounter if appropriate professional procedure is not impressed. As clearly highlighted in the history of the patient, she is a smoker. Research indicate that smoking often rob the patientââ¬â¢s body of oxygen and significantly interferes with the body of the patient from recovering properly. As widely cited, there is need to impress exercise prior to any surgical procedure. Arguably, exercising increases the level of fitness of a patient and it also promotes quick recovery. However, this are limited to some period of time before hospital admission. Research suggests that before any surgery, a patient needs to be subjected to various diagnostic tests. These might include chest x-ray, CT Scan, biopsies, bone scan, ventilation studies, bronchoscopy, and perhaps blood work. These constitute the prospective assessment. However, one thing to content with is that these processes have to follow a particular protocol commonly referred to as ABCDEF. Certainly Meredith Parker has to adhere to the ABCDEF process. This way, she would be provided with A- Antibiotics shot/Anaesthetistconsulation, followed by B ââ¬â Blood tests and Bowel for purposes of monitoring proper urinary output, then C ââ¬â Consent from the patient in order to get be allowed to conduct a Chest X-ray (CXR). It is after this that Meridith Parker shall receive D ââ¬â Drug chart, which would concern any previous medication/DVT prophylaxis treatment, she would then undergo E ââ¬â Echocardiography (ECG) followed by F ââ¬â Fluid monitoring and Food intake, in which she would be kept on nothing per oral (NPO) for at least 12 hours before surgery. In a rather practical approach to Meredith Parker, it is worth noting that there are various steps towards surgery that involve all these procedures in a very specific way and cover the details of management even in six hours post operatively. The first step is to take a detailed history about the symptoms. This includes presenting c omplaints, history of presenting complaints, social, family, personal and drug history. It is essential that all the associated symptoms should be checked. It is important to note if there has been any change in symptoms or if there is any doubt in diagnosis so that they can be checked again. After that, a detail examination is required. In our patient, we should especially
Friday, October 4, 2019
Examine the nature of the distinctive managerial, organisational and Essay
Examine the nature of the distinctive managerial, organisational and developmental characteristics of small businesses vis-a-vis - Essay Example Coaching is more task-oriented whereas mentoring is driven by knowledge sharing meant in a spiritual context with the purpose of developing the personality of a learner. The understanding developed through the work of Garvey et al. (2008) is further strengthened through literary explanation provided by Robert Thurman, Meredith Belbin and Rosemary Ryan. Where Garvey et al. (2008) describes how the definitions of these two terms have evolved over centuries, other three authors explain their relevance to present life. According to Garvey et al. (2008), self-realization is a foundation of coaching and mentoring. The follower has to understand his/ her inner self and then interpret the meaning of knowledge provided to them. Furthermore, they believe that coaching and mentoring are rooted in our cultural norms and values. Like Bruner stated in Garvey et al. (2008), folk wisdom is distributed through interpretations of historical events that later on form our culture; this understanding of cultural norms is further strengthen through dialogues (p.11). In order to elaborate the historical background of coaching and mentoring, frequent references to the work of Plato, Homer, Socrates and Aristotle are given in Garvey et al. (2008). It is stated that frequent questioning and critical debates lead to emergences of true knowledge. Therefore, without questioning the pre-established norms, new ideas cannot be created. While defining their work, it was found that only Plato and Aristotle have used the word mentor for a figure known for disseminating knowledge. Later on, it has been added that Aristotle has introduced a differentiation between practical and theoretical knowledge. He further introduced the concept of productive work which defines creation of something new. Careful analysis of contemporary coaching techniques would reveal that these three concepts are used frequently in present coaching and mentoring. Further referencing to Homer indicated that the word mentor w as introduced into literature around three thousand years back. The word itself meant an advisor. However, Homerââ¬â¢s work has been highly shadowed by unnecessary criticism and relevance to gender issues without giving much attention to social norms. Garvey et al. (2008) further analyzed the literary work with reference to coaching and mentoring in 18th century. According to Fenelon, observing life events is itself a learning process that can provide positive as well as negative lessons. Presence of mentor helps in interpreting important lessons out of these events that helps in attaining better insight of life and virtues. The concept of experiential learning also stemmed out of Fenelonââ¬â¢s ideas of learning and development. The idea was extended by Rousseau in 18th century when he introduced the ideal class size for effective education. The present day concept of multiple students in one group headed by a single teacher was not accepted by Rousseau; in fact he emphasized on having a one-on-one interaction between the student and a teacher whereas the term teacher was replaced by mentor. Where mentor was considered as a figure of knowledge and wisdom, Louis Carccioli attached spiritual attributes to this personality. According to him, a mentor is someone who not only enriches the mind but also lights the heart. Hence, a therapeutic effect of mentoring was introduced by Caraccioli when he writes, ââ¬Å"
Thursday, October 3, 2019
A Designer Profile Essay Example for Free
A Designer Profile Essay Erin Healy from Florida is the new Queen in the Fashion Industry. She is the champion of the highly coveted ââ¬Å"Top-International-Upcoming-Designerâ⬠award. This happened in her latest showcase of designs known as by her name. The designs are stylish and have magnificent accomplishments. They are sparkling, classic and worn easily which explains the reason of their preference by most celebrities. A good example of celebrity clientele is Whitney Thompson Americaââ¬â¢s Top Model winner. The fact that Erin has three kids does not deter her from pursuing her lifetime dream. She is indeed a rising star and a new amazing talent of style. Her pieces are lustrous and modish which explains their popularity. Her latest collection is composed of cool flirty minuscule dresses decorated by fine hairs and fasten flowers. Healy also integrated elegant tops without straps and camisoles corresponding with shorts as well as coats. She really borrowed from nature by using colors of natural features, a bunch of foreign silk featuring animal stamps and textures. Source: http://www. Emerging-Designer-Erin-Heasley-winner-of-the-Best-International-Emerging-Designer- of-the-Year The above illustrations are an assortment of a few of Erin Healy Designs in a showcase. Her designs have gained popularity after she scooped the award. According to the upcoming designer, fashion is the gorgeous art that expresses a character and vigor of a person through dressing. She described Miamiââ¬â¢s fashion as thrilling. It is full of style, a fit for everyone and it is fashion frontward. She discovered her talent in fashion design while she was still in secondary school. She started by designing own dresses and for friends. Her style descends from a lady with a passion of refined and stylish look. Her favorite models that she enjoys working with locally include; Jordan Healy her daughter and Erinââ¬â¢s friend Lauren Rossi both in Jacksonville. In Miami is Jesika Marcano. Responding to a question on design process, Erin says that is no distinct process. It usually advances from a simple idea that comes to the designer in strange ways like dreams. Immediately an idea comes, she sketches out before she even explores the fabric option. In other cases the type of fabric generates the design. Her favorite designers include; ad Ghandour, L. A. M. B, Coco Chanel and Eduardo de las Casas. Her designs are available at a private showroom Gallery in the Artistree and to her what matters most the confidence on the women that wear her design. The choice of Miami to showcase her design is out of love and passion for the place. She loves the residents, the culture and style. That is why she participated in the Miami International Fashion Week emerging winner challenge and made it to the three top finalists. Miami has helped her to develop her career in a very special way for it is here that her designs came to the limelight. The preparation of a fashion show according to the top designer involves some simple steps. First, develop the story, choose a photographer and settle on the location. Secondly, decide on the make up designers and hair style experts, and prepare a procession of models as well as casting. Thirdly, she will plan a decent and collaborate with other experts to accomplish the glance. Finally is to toil with a renowned DJ and fashion show expert to prepare a fun filled and memorable event full of classy and elegant features. Works Cited Gelhar, Mary. The Fashion Designer Survival Guide. New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2008. Henry, Christine. Emerging Designer: Erin Heasley. Miami Fashion. Retrieved on July 23, 2010 from http://www. examiner. com/x-6350-Miami-Fashion-Trends-Examiners~y2010m4d5- Emerging-Designer-Erin-Heasley-winner-of-the-Best-International-Emerging-Designer- of-the-Year.
Maxis Business Level Strategy
Maxis Business Level Strategy Business model is plan or diagram for how it competes, uses its resources, structures its relationship, interfaces with the customers, and creates value to sustain itself on the basis of the profits its generates. It had included all the activities that define how a firm competes in the marketplace. Core strategy Mission statement Maxis missions are to be simple, trustworthy and creative. Maxis want everything they do is simple for everyone; it must be straightforward and easy to understand by their customers. Maxis believe that trust between customers and it is the key to successful relationship. All good relationships are built on trust which inspires confidence, and, assurance, conviction and reliance. Creativity is important and defines them; this is how Maxis differentiate from their competition. (Maxis is about life enablement,, ND) Product/Market Scope Maxiss market scopes are telecommunication and networking sectors. They are the mobile communications service provider and recently they are also providing wireless broadband services. Their services include prepaid call plans, monthly subscription plans, international roaming, MMS, WAP, Resident Fixed Line services and the recent one Broadband internet plans. Maxis also are offering VSAT services and Blackberry based mobile services for their business customers.(Maxis website, 2010) Basis differentiation The basis differentiation of Maxis are based on the calling plans and pricing structure to appeal to different customer segments. The value-added services in Hotlink Prepaid had make Maxis differentiate from other competitors such as ring-tones, background ring tones, Voice SMS, fb2me, tweet2me, voice portal and etc. (Hotlink easy menu, 2010) Strategic resources Core Competencies What serve as core competencies for Maxis are customer service and their strong brand name. Maxis always emphasize on what can be done best to their customers and provide their best customer services as after the subscription of their plans. To enhance the customer satisfaction, Maxis had announced there are 70 Maxis Authorized service agents outlet are available in customer concentration are in Malaysia opens (Maxis Authorised Service Agents Outlets to Enhance Customer Satisfaction,, 7th July 2001) and continue increasing in the following year. The outlets provide real time services similar to Maxis Centers such as customer registration, payment, IDD and Direct Debit application, and reinstatement of mobile line. With the availability if the shops that strategically located, Maxis clients can look forward to extended service hours, weekend services and easier access. There are more over than RM 500 000 are used for dealers and staff training annually to ensure the best possible service to Maxis customers. This is a part of Maxis core strategies to enhance the value in their existing relationships with key dealers. Maxis had established a strong brand name since 1995 for their wide coverage of signal and reliability. Strategic Assets There are several strategic assets owned by Maxis which let them continue to leading among the mobile service providers. Firstly, Ananda Krishnan, the founder of Maxis communications owned a satellite tv- Astro in Malaysia. It is the ASEAN leading satellite TV that always plays the important role in promoting the plans and services by Maxis. Moreover, Maxis have the huge database of customers information and can be used to make adjustment in their plans, packages and their marketing strategies base on the poll SMS that sent to the subscribers. In addition, one of the most valuable assets Maxis owned is their highly qualified and experienced staffs, such as, the executive director and chief executive officer of Maxis, Sandi Dap. Before he joined Maxis in 2007, he had been served as deputy managing director of Vodafone Essar Limited, one of the largest mobile operators in India since 1994. Jean Pascal is a Chief operating officer, he has 20 years of experience, of which he spent 13 yea rs with France Telecom group in France and Orange in UK. Others like Rossaba Annizah, Mark Dioguardi, Matthew Willsher, Mohamed Fitri and many more (Maxis senior management webpage, 2010). Partnership network Suppliers Maxis main suppliers are consist of SIM card suppliers and broadband wireless thumb drive suppliers. Other partnership network like strategic alliance such as Nokia, Apple and Blackberry are supplying Maxis theirs products to cope with Maxiss various kind of plans and packages. Other Key Relationships Many companies in diverse range of industries such as telecommunications, media and broadcasting, leisure, power generation, property development and management are directly or indirectly controlled or connected with Usaha Tegas, which is owned by Ananda Krishnan. As such, many of these companies and other related parties also subscribe to Maxis Mobiles mobile service and Maxis Broadband s fixed line services due to the relationship with Ananda Krishnan. Customer Interface Target Market Maxis has good customer interface which enable their service reach their customer easily and successfully. Maxis target their market on the telecommunication and networkings consumers market. For the target customer like students maxis come out with Maxis Youth Club. By using this service students can get a lot of benefits. On of them is Point Rewards; under this service students need to collect points as much as they can which enable them to get free talking time. If students top up twice in a week, they will get 100 points which equal anent RM 1.00 of free talking time. Besides that, students also can enjoy free calls to any maxis numbers on their birthdates. Apart from that, maxis also come out with service called subliners for the specific group of people who love to talk with their loved ones or couples everyday for a longer time of period. The subliners need to register their name under the mainliner. By doing this the subliners can enjoy less price. For the specific group of p eople who like to use internet, the maxis come out with broadband services. Maxis has four types of broadband plan which are 1.5GB,3 GB,6 GB and 12 GB. Fulfillment and Support Maxis communication companys service and product reaches it customers. For example, customers of maxis can go to maxis center to get some help like lost the SIM cards, problem of the deduct balance of prepare and postpaid, and the unclear of the new maxis plan package. Besides this, maxis center was build on city to make customers easy to pay the fees of postpaid and internet fees. (Find a Maxis Centre or MEPs, www.maxis, ND) Pricing structure Maxis are focus on aggressive pricing strategies to compete with other service providers. Apart from that, maxis also has different price depending on their target market. For the students under Youth Club service they can enjoy sending SMS only for 1sen per SMS. They also can enjoy free calls to any maxis numbers from 6pm to 6am.For the target market like line users, the subliners who register their name under main liners only need to pay RM 30 per month compare to RM 80 which is the actual rate for line users. Maxis offer the cheapest broadband services which only need to pay RM48 for 1.5GB. (Wireless Broadband,, ND)
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